The NatiFrinj has dabbled in science based entertainment in the past and this year will feature Ologism
Ologism features original rock music and science demonstrations conducted live on stage.
The Ologism team has toured Australia many times with a constantly growing and evolving repertoire and a wide range of musical styles including rock, punk, pop and soul. They have exposed air showers, looked for lost bees and revealed the cyber nose; they’ve fallen in love with spuds, been angry with ants and searched for the island of stability, and they’re not done yet.
“Their unique combination of emerging scientific knowledge with quirky experiments and catchy rock beats makes for an engaging show . . .” TalkFringe (Adelaide Fringe).
Ologism appears on stage a 3-piece band, but there are 4 artists who contribute to the show, Chris Krishna-Pillay, Darren Vogrig, Marty Lubran and Luke Fitzgerald.
High energy performance with a science twist – just as nature didn’t intend. Recommended for ages 15+