ACT Natimuk statement regarding cultural heritage protections at Dyuritte/Mount Arapiles announced by Parks Victoria on 4th November 2024
While there are a range of individual opinions in our organisation, ACT Natimuk has made a commitment to working with and supporting local Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk people and other First Peoples artists in ways that are culturally appropriate and relevant to their aspirations and goals. This is endorsed by our committee and staff and embedded in our Strategic and Reconciliation Action Plans.
The consensus of ACT Natimuk is to support self-determination by Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk organisations and peoples to protect cultural heritage at Dyurrite/Mount Arapiles, and we celebrate the rediscoveries in the area and their significance and importance to both Traditional Owners and non-Indigenous people.
Natimuk arts and cultural work, and ACT Natimuk itself, has for many decades been intertwined with and enriched by rock climbers and rock climbing, through artist practice, performance, and participation. We will continue to engage and work with the rock-climbing community.
We understand this is a time of heightened tensions because of the proposed changes to climbing and reduced access at Dyurrite/Mount Arapiles, but urge respectful and informed dialogue about what is being proposed and the context in which it is being done, to determine the best way for you to respond.
If you haven’t already, go to the Parks Victoria website –, download and read the amended draft management plan, watch the online webinar, and then if you are inclined, respond to Parks Victoria while the consultation period is open (until February 14, 2025).