Creative Lab Projection Project

ACT Natimuk’s Creative Lab Projection Project is a project development platform available to artists working in, or wanting to explore, projection art.

There are no Projection specific opportunities offered in 2024/2025 – note: projection projects will be considered in the Open Project category

The aims of the Creative Lab Program are :

  • To encourage artists to connect with Natimuk and work as part of Natiumuk’s small but vibrant arts community 
  • To create/seed work for NatiFrinj Biennale
  • To create/seed work that may be suitable for inclusion as a Made in Natimuk (MiN) work.
  • To help with the sustainability of maintaining a regional arts practice 
  • To encourage artistic exploration
  • To encourage diversity of artistic expression

The Creative Lab Projection Project is intended to provide artists some creative exploration time on an idea, which will ideally seed a projection project with a fully realised outcome on the Natimuk silos for NatiFrinj 2023.

There is one Creative Lab Projection Project opportunity in 2021. Successful applicants will receive;

  • a $5000 grant
  • some support to build/make connections in Natimuk 
  • some support to access space/power through the Natimuk Soldiers Memorial Hall
  • access to two NEC 5k lumen projectors during the creative lab period.* (These projectors have been used to project onto the Natimuk silos in previous projects, with excellent results. Natimuk doesn’t have a lot of ambient light pollution.)
  • access to VGA and HDMI cables, and power leads
    *Please note these NEC projectors may not be available for ‘work-in-progress’ outcome at the Nati Frinj 2021.

Successful applicants will be required to :

  • Provide some images/video/text documentation of their exploration
  • The successful applicant will be required to present a ‘work-in-progress’ outcome during Nati Frinj 2021
  • bring their own playback machine/s, adapters and any additional projection equipment they wish to work with.
  • Arrange their own travel and accommodation
  • Provide proof of appropriate Public Liability Insurance (PLI) cover or contribute $100 to be covered by ACT Natimuk’s PLI
  • Hold a current Working With Children Check

To apply for this unique opportunity, artists must complete and submit the following online application form:

Applications Open: June 28, 2021
Applications Close: August 6, 2021
Notification: On or before August 30, 2021
Creative lab during the period: August 31 – Oct 28, 2021
Outcome/showing during NatiFrinj: Oct 29 – Oct 31 2021

ACT Natimuk’s Creative Lab Projection Project is a project development platform available to artists working in, or wanting to explore, projection art.

The aims of the Creative Lab Program are :

  • To encourage artists to connect with Natimuk and work as part of Natiumuk’s small but vibrant arts community 
  • To create/seed work for NatiFrinj Biennale
  • To create/seed work that may be suitable for inclusion as a Made in Natimuk (MiN) work.
  • To help with the sustainability of maintaining a regional arts practice 
  • To encourage artistic exploration
  • To encourage diversity of artistic expression

The Creative Lab Projection Project is intended to provide artists some creative exploration time on an idea, which will ideally seed a projection project with a fully realised outcome on the Natimuk silos for NatiFrinj 2023.

There is one Creative Lab Projection Project opportunity in 2021. Successful applicants will receive;

  • a $5000 grant
  • some support to build/make connections in Natimuk 
  • some support to access space/power through the Natimuk Soldiers Memorial Hall
  • access to two NEC 5k lumen projectors during the creative lab period.* (These projectors have been used to project onto the Natimuk silos in previous projects, with excellent results. Natimuk doesn’t have a lot of ambient light pollution.)
  • access to VGA and HDMI cables, and power leads
    *Please note these NEC projectors may not be available for ‘work-in-progress’ outcome at the Nati Frinj 2021.

Successful applicants will be required to :

  • Provide some images/video/text documentation of their exploration
  • The successful applicant will be required to present a ‘work-in-progress’ outcome during Nati Frinj 2021
  • bring their own playback machine/s, adapters and any additional projection equipment they wish to work with.
  • Arrange their own travel and accommodation
  • Provide proof of appropriate Public Liability Insurance (PLI) cover or contribute $100 to be covered by ACT Natimuk’s PLI
  • Hold a current Working With Children Check

To apply for this unique opportunity, artists must complete and submit the following online application form:

Applications Open: June 28, 2021
Applications Close: August 6, 2021
Notification: On or before August 30, 2021
Creative lab during the period: August 31 – Oct 28, 2021
Outcome/showing during NatiFrinj: Oct 29 – Oct 31 2021